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Shree Ram Krishna Garden, Mahajan Wadi, Mira Road East, Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra - 401 107.
204, Western Edge II, Off. Western Express Highway, Borivali (East), Mumbai - 400066.
Disclaimer: *T&C apply. This website is not a legal document and does not constitute an offer or contract of any nature whatsoever between the Promoter / Developer and the recipient. Unless otherwise mentioned, all rendered visuals, images, icons, plans, and maps are the artist’s conceptions meant for illustration purposes only. Location map, distance is approximate and not to scale, it’s only for better understanding. All colours, furniture, and fixtures shown are for aesthetic representation purposes only and are not part of the flat offer for sale; it only describes a conceptual plan to convey the intent and purpose of the Promoter / Developer. The details mentioned in this website are tentative and are subject to approval. The Promoter / Developer reserves the right to modify and vary the detail mentioned herein at its sole discretion. The promoter / Developer does not warrant or assume any legal liability for any information disclosed’s accuracy, completeness or usefulness. This project is registered as ‘Shree Ram Krishna Garden’ under MahaRERA Registration No. P51700055880 and is available on the website under registered projects.
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Crafted By Creative Steps
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